We are in the process of bringing our e-books back to all of the other places where they’re fit to print. While you wait for your favorite digital store, we wanted to tell you about some of the changes that we’ve made.
We corrected a few minor typos in Destruction.
We adjusted the copyright pages as a part of our ongoing standardization process.
We revised our “Also By The Author” sections to reflect our expanded distribution and prepare for the release of Revolution.
We eliminated most of the unnecessary code in the e-books, which gave us leaner files.
All in all, these reprints are yet another example of our commitment to excellence. For more information, check out our listings!
Over the past two months, we’ve been hard at work to bring you the best that money can buy. Therefore, it seems like a good time to inform you of all of the latest happenings!
On our editing side, we’ve added Payoneer to our list of payment services for the first time. While we are still willing to use PayPal, we’ve found that this platform is a good alternative for us and our prospective clients.
In addition, we’ve doubled down on our support for cryptocurrency by bringing Bitpay back into our arsenal. This platform supports Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, so be sure to ask about it when you send us an inquiry!
In the writing realm, we’ve recently added the marketing description for Revolution. Be sure to check it out!
More news is coming soon, so be sure to keep it here!
About a year ago, we began a series of writing diaries that marked the progress of Revolution. Now that the editing process is complete, we have so much more to share with you. Over the next few weeks, we are going to embark on a journey to get you hyped for the final chapter of this trilogy. It all starts with the cover!
But before we unveil our latest masterpiece, let’s take a look at what went into it.
Everything Old Is New Again.
As you might be able to tell from our previous covers, we always attempt to differentiate each product with a compelling scene. We started things off with a minor skirmish on the cover of Destruction. After that,Independence gave us the chance to balance civilian life with the never-ending quest for freedom. Lastly, Illumination let us play with the Lady of Knives and the mysteries that awaited our fans.
When Revolution entered its editing phase, we realized that we needed something old and new. Luckily, our new artist, Liam Maher, was more than up to the challenge.
In the realm of the old, we wanted to balance the historical feel of the Telurian soldiers with elite nature of Thrakoth’s inner circle. With that in mind, Liam gave the soldiers some added pop by mixing old school uniforms with a regal purple. What fun!
In the realm of the new, we played around with the damage done by the war, leading to the urban environment in the piece. In order to deal with the passage of time, we also fiddled with some of the new weapons and equipment that Thrakoth’s elite warriors might have access to. When we turned it over to Liam, he mixed it up with some interesting variations on the Telurian arsenal. After all, our antagonist’s guard deserves the best of the best!
Speaking of the antagonist…
Fear Him.
One of our most important rules in the conception of this series has been to strike a balance between the magical and the ordinary. Therefore, it was difficult to come up with a true depiction that fit Thrakoth’s status. If we made him too magical, he could have wound up looking like Sauron, the Nazgul, or the Lich King. On the other hand, normalcy could never fit such a tough antagonist.
Luckily, the story of the previous two novelsprovided some clever solutions.
Over the course of the series, Thrakoth gained renown as an incredibly powerful sorcerer and leader, so we brought that out with his burning blue eyes, calm demeanor, and commanding presence. On top of that, we knew that he would dress and arm himself for success in warfare, so every little detail from his knife to his incredibly bulky armor was of the utmost importance.
All of that effort made its way into a compelling final product. Here it is!
As promised, we are pleased to announce the following deals for the holiday season!
We are going to give out a number of discount codes for our services through the new year. These will range from 5-25% off, so be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter!
On Saturday (11/25), all of our books will be discounted by $1.
We want to wish you and yours a happy holiday! Like most of you, we are taking much of the day off to eat turkey and spend time with friends and family.
We’ll have more info on Black Friday and our holiday deals tonight. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for all of the latest news!
We are pleased to announce another expansion of the services that we offer. As of today, we are opening ourselves up to businesses that are outside of the entertainment industry. If you are working on the next big thing, check out our new page on the matter. We can’t wait to hear from you!
We are pleased to announce that we are expanding our editing services into the realm of video. If you have a Youtube or Vid.me channel, we may be able to help you out! For more information and a look at this particular service, visit this page.
Free Eagle Studios, LLC is pleased to announce that we are in the process of expanding the various services that we offer. For our next step on the path to global domination, we have decided to expand our editing services to meet the needs of students. If you’d like a full look at our new offerings, click here.
That’s just step one in our new expansion plan. Keep it here for more in the coming days!
Starting on September 1st, the price of our full edit will be $0.0135/word. If you are a new client, be sure to schedule a sample edit over the coming month to get our current price.
We will have more information on all of the latest happenings soon.
We are hard at work on the next chapters in the Maereath saga, but we wanted to take the time to inform you about some recent changes to our editing services. Since we believe in paying attention to quality above all else, we’ve decided to combine our line and developmental editing into one package and institute flat rate pricing for all future projects!
You can now grab our editing services for $0.0125 per word. Check it out over in the store!
More news will be on the way soon. Happy Spring, everybody!
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