Hi everyone,
Just in case you missed it, Independence is free over on Google Play until 11/8 with this coupon!
Have fun!
Hi everyone,
Just in case you missed it, Independence is free over on Google Play until 11/8 with this coupon!
Have fun!
Hi everyone,
Just in case you missed it, Destruction and Independence are on sale for $0.99 until 7/31/2023. Be sure to grab your copies while you can via the Books section of our site!
Until next time!
We’re wheelin’ and dealin’! Head on over to our Books page for all of the links that you’ll need!
Hi everyone,
The next chapters of the world of Maereath are here, and they’re a ton of fun!
Want to read them? Head on over to our Books page, and be sure to grab Independence for free before 6/17!
Until next time!
It’s an extremely dangerous game.
We really don’t want to spoil this one, but here’s the cover!
More info is coming soon!
It took a little bit longer than we had hoped, but let’s explain it in a video this time!
Crossposted to ericmrozek.com.
Hi everyone,
COVID-19 threw our book release schedule out of whack for a while, but that it just means that you’re getting two stories very soon. We are pleased to announce that a third book in The Fiean Revolution will be released not the far from the second.
It’s title (subject to change as always) is Traitor.
We’ll have more information very, very soon. Until then, be sure to check out our books and catch up on all of our offerings!
Happy reading!
Free Eagle Studios Website: freeeaglestudios.com.
Twitter: @FreeEagleStu & @EricMMrozek.
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